"Ya Allah, peliharalah anakku selama dalam kandunganku dan sembuhkan dia, sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Penyembuh, tiada sembuhan melainkan penawar-Mu, sembuh yang tiada meninggalkan kesan buruk. Ya Allah, lahirkanlah dia dari kandunganku dengan kelahiran yang mudah dan sejahtera (selamat). Ya Allah, jadikanlah dia sihat sempurna, cerdik, berakal, berilmu, serta beramal soleh. Ya Allah, elokkan akhlaknya (perangainya), fasihkanlah lidahnya dan perelokkan suaranya untuk membaca Hadis dan Al-Qur'an dengan berkat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w."
Mengandung adalah saat paling membahagiakan terutamanya kali pertama macam saya.. walaupun rasa loya hampir setiap saat, muntah setiap hari, pening-pening, letih, tak larat. kurang selera makan tapi semua tu akan terbayar bila tiba masa check up dan scan baby! rasa happy sangat bole tengok baby dalam perut! alhamdulillah.. tapi masa mengandung ni juga banyak benda kena fikirkan.. dari sekecil-kecik benda hingga ke sebesar-besar benda, apa nak makan, nak berjalan dan naik tangga slow-slow.. takut tergelincirlah katakan.. tak selera nak makan pun kena paksa makan juga demi baby dalam perut.. apa yang tak bole dimakan, tak bole tengok cita kartun yang bukan-bukan, bila nak beli barang keperluan baby, nak bersalin di mana, berpantang di mana, apa jantina baby, apa nama yang akan di beri. semuanya dalam kepala. haha =)
Diantara ketidakselesaan yang bakal dialami oleh bakal ibu-ibu:
Constipation and hemorrhoids: One of the reasons for constipation may be changes produced in the digestive tract due to hormones slowing down the movement of food. Added to this, during the last trimester of pregnancy there is more pressure on your rectum from your uterus. To avoid these try to drink plenty of liquids and eat fruit and vegetables with a high fiber content. Some pregnant women experience relief drinking a glass of tepid water before breakfast.
Nausea: As well as constipation, it is due to metabolic changes. In the morning before getting up try eating crackers and stand up very slowly. Try to eat in small quantities every three hours (fractionated diet). During your pregnancy it is good to eat proteins (meat, eggs, cheese) before going to bed at night.
Heartburn: This can occur when stomach acid from digesting food is pushed into your esophagus. As stated before, during pregnancy all digestive process is slowed down and in addition, the engrossed uterus presses up on your stomach. To avoid heartburn, eat in small quantities, several times a day. Avoid spicy and greasy foods and do not eat at least one hour before going bed. Some pregnant women experience relief resting at night by elevating their heads with two or three pillows.
Fatigue: Your body is doing a big job while you are pregnant. Try to sleep 8 hours daily and if you can take a nap during the day. Avoid hard work and eat a balanced diet throughout your pregnancy.
Headaches: You may have headaches during your pregnancy. Possibly because you are tense or in some cases it is cased by the higher level of blood in your body now that you are pregnant. Lay down and try to relax. Some women experience relief walking outside. Do not take medication while you are pregnant unless directed by your doctor.
Frequent Urination: During your pregnancy, your uterus is pressing down on your bladder and even if your bladder is almost empty this pressure produces the same sensation as if it were full. Do not avoid the urge of urinate. (tapi kekerapan buanga air ni pada awal kehamilan dan akhir kehamilan je)
Cramps: They are due to circulatory problems associated with the weight gain as you progress in your pregnancy. Ask your doctor to recommend some exercises to alleviate these discomforts ( ada cara certain cara duduk dan berjalan dan mengangkat barang yg bule elak cramps)
Chloasma: These are obscure marks in the skin caused by the hormones secreted during pregnancy and tend to disappear after delivery. Avoiding sunlight can help prevent them.
Stretch Marks: Skin tissue that has to support extra weight causes these marks. They appear on the abdomen and breasts and in most cases slowly disappear after delivery. (mula menampakkan dirinya pada 21 minggu kehamilan, beware hehehe)
Varicose Veins: They are produced by the pressure of the uterus to the lower part of the abdomen that causes difficulty in circulation during the 9 months of pregnancy. They usually appear in legs especially if you must stand or sit for long periods of time. If you do need to stand or sit for long periods, move frequently to improve your circulation. Elevate your legs when possible or lie in bed with a pillow under your feet. While you are sitting try to keep your feet up. Do not wear tight clothing. Your doctor may recommends support stockings for you.
Breathing Difficulties: This happens during the third trimester of pregnancy because the fetus is occupying more space in your abdomen. Breath deeply several times a day (you can ask your childbirth instructor to teach you the correct way) but avoid hyperventilation. Sleep propped up and avoid crowded places and smoggy environments.
Backaches: This is a consequence of the growing of your abdomen and your weight increase. If you are suffering from backaches wear low-heeled shoes, try to keep your back straight and avoid lifting heavy weights. It is good to practice some relaxation exercises that will help to lower the tension in your muscles. Remember to stay as calm and serene as possible during your pregnancy.
Swelling: Due to the retention of water in your tissues, swelling has a high occurrence in your feet. Try to elevate your legs whenever you can and avoid tight clothes that bind your legs. It is important to notify the doctor if you notice that swelling is taking place in uncommon areas or if you register a sudden rise of your weight.
Selain itu, saya ada terbaca antara beberapa panduan mengelak kesan sampingan kepada kehamilan dan bayi.
Pemanis tiruan sering digunakan oleh pesakit kencing manis dan mereka yang mengawal berat badan bagi mengurangkan kandungan kalori gula. Antara pemanis tiruan yang sering digunakan ialah aspartame. Biasanya bahan ini tidak mendatangkan sebarang masalah namun sebagai langkah berjaga-jaga penggunaan bahan ini perlu dikurangkan.
Minuman ataupun makanan yang mengandungi kafein tidak baik untuk perkembangan bayi. Kandungan kafein sering kali dikaitkan dengan masalah bayi kurang berat badan sewaktu dilahirkan. Pada masa yang sama, kafein akan menyebabkan anda mengalami kekurangan kalsium yang akhirnya menjejaskan bekalan kalsium kepada bayi.
Amalan merokok sewaktu mengandung boleh menjadi punca kelahiran bayi tidak cukup bulan, terbantut dan berat badan rendah. Malah, kes kematian bayi secara mengejut turut dikaitkan dengan amalan merokok oleh anda ataupun ahli keluarga yang lain.
Terdapat banyak makanan yang telah diproses dijual di pasaran. Antaranya sosej. Makanan ini berkemungkinan mengandungi kandungan nitrate dan nitrite yang tinggi dan sememangnya tidak baik untuk kesihatan. Oleh itu, anda perlu mengurangkan pengambilannya.
Terdapat beberapa jenis ubat yang boleh memudaratkan bayi jika diambil tanpa dirujuk kepada doktor terlebih dahulu. Oleh kerana itulah, anda perlu mendapatkan nasihat doktor sebelum mengambil ubat terutamanya pada trimester pertama kehamilan.
Pengambilan gula berlebihan akan menyebabkan anda menghadapi komplikasi kencing manis sewaktu mengandung. Malah, gula berlebihan boleh menyebabkan berat badan bayi bertambah dan ini akan menyukarkan proses kelahiran.
Makanan sebegini boleh menimbulkan angin. Kebanyakan wanita cenderung untuk mengalami masalah angin sewaktu hamil. Jadi, elakkan makanan jenis ini kerana ia akan memburukkan lagi keadaan.
Walaupun pengambilan herba adalah selamat, namun ada sesetengah jenis herba tidak dibenarkan. Sebagai contoh cohosh, sliperry dan elm. Bagaimanapun, sila dapatkan nasihat doktor atau ahli farmasi sebelum anda mengambil sebarang jenis herba.
Walau apapun saya berdoa agar baby yang bakal lahir nanti cukup sifatnya, sempurna dan selamat dilahirkan dan saya selamat selepas melahirkan. Insyaallah.. Amen.